# ip netns exec vpn sudo -u www-data apache as root . This way apache will run with netns as non-root user . If you need both namespaces at the same time , start two instances , each in one namespace . Changing namespace on-the-fly doesn't seem to work . Explaination :

sudo socat tcp-listen:PORT-TO-FORWARD-TO,fork,reuseaddr exec:'ip netns exec vpn socat STDIO tcp-connect\:\:PORT-TO-LISTEN-TO',nofork Notes: PORT-TO-FORWARD-TO is the port that I want the port to be forwarded to (in the root network namespace) PORT-TO-LISTEN-TO is the port of the application, which I want to expose into the root namespace The plan is to create a network namespace, connect to a VPN within that namespace, and then start various applications within that namespace that are currently blocked by my UK based ISP. I found a walkthrough that works fine if I run the script manually, but when I try and automate it with an upstart script it fails to work. Feb 07, 2017 · ip netns exec vpn ip route show 4) If it works start firefox/midori/etc in the shiny new network namespace named "vpn" ip netns exec vpn firefox 5) Go to any number of "what is my ip" sites to confirm that OpenVPN works 6) Now, kill the openvpn-netns.sh that you previously started in the first terminal with Ctrl + C # ip link add name veth0 type veth peer name veth1 Move one of those peers into the vpn_nat namespace # ip link set veth1 netns vpn_nat In the namespace context, set up the network # ip netns exec vpn_nat ifconfig lo up # ip netns exec vpn_nat ifconfig veth1 up # ip netns exec vpn_nat route add default gw II. Using This Document as a Template 128T with Zscaler Internet Access 5 CONFIGURE A LOCATION Once you have created your VPN credentials, you may now create a Location in

Feb 07, 2017 · ip netns exec vpn ip route show 4) If it works start firefox/midori/etc in the shiny new network namespace named "vpn" ip netns exec vpn firefox 5) Go to any number of "what is my ip" sites to confirm that OpenVPN works 6) Now, kill the openvpn-netns.sh that you previously started in the first terminal with Ctrl + C

ip netns list Shows the list of current named network namespaces ip netns add vpn Creates a network namespace and names it vpn ip netns exec vpn ip link set lo up Bring up the loopback interface in the vpn network namespace. SEE ALSO ip(8) AUTHOR Original Manpage by Eric W. Biederman ip netns add vpn. Creates a network namespace and names it vpn. ip netns exec vpn ip link set lo up. Bring up the loopback interface in the vpn network namespace. I am running openvpn client in a namespace. I am starting it as: ip netns exec vpn openvpn --fast-io --config /etc/openvpn/OpenVPN-Configs/Random-TCP.ovpn

ip netns list Shows the list of current named network namespaces ip netns add vpn Creates a network namespace and names it vpn ip netns exec vpn ip link set lo up Bring up the loopback interface in the vpn network namespace. SEE ALSO top ip(8) AUTHOR top

ip netns add vpn. Creates a network namespace and names it vpn. ip netns exec vpn ip link set lo up. Bring up the loopback interface in the vpn network namespace. I am running openvpn client in a namespace. I am starting it as: ip netns exec vpn openvpn --fast-io --config /etc/openvpn/OpenVPN-Configs/Random-TCP.ovpn Jan 29, 2017 · #! /bin/bash up {# create network namespace ip netns add vpn || true # bring up loop device ip netns exec vpn ip link set dev lo up # move VPN tunnel to netns ip link set dev " $1 " up netns vpn mtu " $2 " # configure tunnel in netns ip netns exec vpn ip addr add dev " $1 " \ " $4 / ${ifconfig_netmask:-30} " \ ${ifconfig_broadcast:+broadcast ip netns monitor ip netns list-id [ target-nsid POSITIVE-INT] [ nsid POSITIVE-INT] DESCRIPTION A network namespace is logically another copy of the network stack, with its own routes, firewall rules, and network devices. By default a process inherits its network namespace from its parent. # ip -n container addr add dev wg0 # ip netns exec container wg setconf wg0 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf # ip -n container link set wg0 up # ip -n container route add default dev wg0 And voila, now the only way of accessing any network resources for "container" will be via the WireGuard interface. Sep 04, 2013 · ip netns exec blue ip link list Whoa! That’s a bit of a complicated command. Let’s break it down: The first part, ip netns exec, is how you execute commands in a different network namespace. Next is the specific namespace in which the command should be run (in this case, the blue namespace). Finally, you have the actual command to be