eMule is a product developed by eMule.This site is not directly affiliated with eMule.All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

eMule-Project.net - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads o Port Sets the port to access the MobileMule interface. If the machine eMule is running on is behind a router or firewall this port has to be forwarded/opened or … List of TCP and UDP port numbers - Wikipedia The port numbers in the range from 0 to 1023 (0 to 2 10 − 1) are the well-known ports or system ports. They are used by system processes that provide widely used types of network services. On Unix-like operating systems, a process must execute with superuser privileges to be able to bind a network socket to an IP address using one of the well-known ports. Latest edonkey,emule Server List - atomurl Country: IP: Port: Server desc: Files: Users: Ping: Last pingtime: Max users: Soft files: Hard files: LowID users; Lithuania: 8369: eMule Security No1 Initial Install On Windows 10 : Emule Doesn't Start

aMule is a free peer-to-peer file sharing utility that works with the EDonkey network and the Kad network, offering similar features to eMule and adding others such as GeoIP (country flags). On August 18, 2003 it was forked from the xMule source code, which itself is a fork of the lMule project, which was the first attempt to bring the eMule client to Linux.

salut tout le monde! g de gros soucis avec emule v0.49a. je n'arrive pas a trouver les ports tcp et udp. g essayer plein d'endroit pour les trouver et rien. le test des ports est toujours negatif. please A L'AIDE. eMule-Project.net - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads eMule chooses a random port as default for downloading data from another client. It is important that this port may be contacted from outside, this means it must not be blocked by a firewall or dropped in a router because of a missing forwarding rule. In this case you would have a low ID.

eMule is said to be the most complete implementation of the eD2k protocol and its extensions. eMule supports AICH, making its corruption handling competitive with BitTorrent. eMule also supports source exchanges, allowing it to substantially reduce the loads on the servers and Kad. With a High ID and well-sourced downloads pre-acquired by

Short guide to VPN port forwarding : What it is, How to do it