Derek is a British comedy-drama television series starring, written and directed by Ricky Gervais. The pilot was produced by Derek Productions Ltd. for Channel 4 and aired on 12 April 2012. Channel 4 describes the show as "A bittersweet comedy drama about a group of outsiders living on society's margins." On 9 May 2012, Channel 4 announced that it had commissioned a full series, which began

The absolute attention to small detail in behavior, dialogue, and character development are ultimately what makes Gervais’ Derek so impactful. Derek is certainly an emotional rollercoaster, but one that you’ll definitely want to ride again. Derek, Season 1 now streaming exclusively on Netflix . 4.5 stars out of 5 Review: Ricky Gervais’ Netflix Dramedy Returns with Less May 29, 2014 'Derek' review: Ricky Gervais nails it | Newsday THE SERIES "Derek" WHEN|WHERE Netflix streams all seven episodes, starting Friday. REASON TO WATCH Ricky Gervais naked is the least of this show's charms. WHAT … Amazon®.com: Customer reviews: Netflix vs. the World

Netflix’s ‘Derek’ returns, handled with tender, loving

May 29, 2014 Review: Derek -

Netflix had the more future-friendly business model. But it won because of its founder’s extreme courage. At the same time, Blockbuster lost not just by clinging to the past but by failing to unshackle itself from the types of corporate pinheads destined for the scrap heap of history.

Seitz: Netflix’s Derek Is the Gooiest Thing Ricky Gervais Has Ever Done By Matt Zoller Seitz Ricky Gervais’s retirement-home sitcom Derek is no masterpiece. REVIEW: Derek, a Netflix Original Series | Greenville The absolute attention to small detail in behavior, dialogue, and character development are ultimately what makes Gervais’ Derek so impactful. Derek is certainly an emotional rollercoaster, but one that you’ll definitely want to ride again. Derek, Season 1 now streaming exclusively on Netflix . 4.5 stars out of 5 Review: Ricky Gervais’ Netflix Dramedy Returns with Less